S H O G O / Film Director
その1年後、WEBメディア"TABI LABO"を中心に活動。旅や自然系の映像を中心にSNS・Web広告の監督/撮影/編集をこなし、人物・風景・モノなど様々なシーンを魅力的に映し出す。
撮影着アパレルブランド”REC JAPAN”を創設。
2023年、ウェディングフィルムブランド"ellaWEDDING FILM"を創設。
Born in Kanagawa 1995.
Fell in love with the beauty of traveling and filming at the age of 20.
Starts to work as a freelance videographar during univertisy, joins the famous travel-videography media "Flimwalkr."
After a year, starts to work mainky with a bigger wed media team "TAB I LABO."
Work mainly consists of filming SNS and Web ads, while managing to direct / shoot / edit , iconically known for attractive scenes of landscape, portraits, and more.
While expanding clientele to larger corprate companies and governmental projects, now one of the most recognized Film director in Japan.
In 2019, establishes a fashion techwear brand for videographers "REC JAPAN" later to build company "REC."
In 2023, he will establish a wedding film brand "ella WEDDING FILM".